
Winchester mystery house san jose california reviews
Winchester mystery house san jose california reviews

winchester mystery house san jose california reviews

She’s dressed as a widow in mourning, and the real estate agent is eager to show her around. We begin with Sarah Winchester being shown a house for sale in San Jose, California. If you’ve read the wiki article, you already have the historical facts down, so we’ll jump right into the narrative. In all, this is a subtle yet effective beginning to a legendary ghost story, and I’m anxious to see where it goes. Irvin nails the concept of disembodied spirits glowering in judgment to anyone who’s caught alone in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, there are some ghostly apparitions to give your eyes something to chew on, and they’re as spooky and otherworldly as they need to be to fit this type of ghost story. It’s a subtle, quiet horror where you can’t help but notice something is off, and as the story progresses, the uneasy tension builds to make you uncomfortable in the worst/best way. This isn’t a bombastic jump scare type of horror comic. The supporting characters think she’s either cursed or crazy, and the side conversations reflect believable reactions from normal people in an abnormal situation. Werner makes the story work by crafting Winchester as a dazed, disconnected character working from motivations that are secret to everyone but her.


So, how does the comic version hold up to the movie or the real thing? Thankfully, it holds up just fine. There was even a decent movie of the same name released in 2018 starring Helen Mirren, and it’s a fun ghost story. This comic has the benefit of building on real-life source material that’s already creepy in its own right. The story and house are real, and you can even visit the house for a tour. She believed the spirits contacted her and told her to make amends by building a house with enough rooms to house all the spirits killed by a Winchester rifle. Sarah Winchester eventually concluded the family was cursed due to the many deaths resulting from the rifles her family designed and manufactured. If you want the short version, the Winchester family, makers of the Winchester rifle company, was beset by tragedy after tragedy.

winchester mystery house san jose california reviews winchester mystery house san jose california reviews

If you’re not familiar with the story, here’s a handy dandy link: The Winchester Mystery House. It’s a historical account of the famed Winchester house but told from the perspective that all the ghostly forces that drove Sarah Winchester to build are real. THE WINCHESTER MYSTERY HOUSE #1 is just what the doctor ordered for Halloween. Wait! Don’t Forget To Sign Up For The Comical Opinions Newsletter. Sarah Winchester to seek forgiveness by doing the only thing she can… build. In THE WINCHESTER MYSTERY HOUSE #1, available from Source Point Press on October 27th, 2021, the curse of the Winchester family drives Mrs.

Winchester mystery house san jose california reviews